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Solano County

Premiere Bail Bonds of Solano County

Solano CountyThere are many bail bonding agencies to choose from in Solano County, California. When selecting the right bail bonding agency for you, be sure that you find one that is licensed and insured and that has experienced bail bondsmen that can advise you through the bail process.

Also, ask about payment methods when looking for the right bail bonding agency. A good agency will not only provide a host of payment options, but it will also let you pay by credit card as well as provide no collateral down payment options.

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More Solano County Bail Bonds Information
The amount of bail is determined based on the crime that a defendant has been accused of committing. The amount of bail can vary, but can be rather expensive. Many defendants cannot afford to pay the bail amount on their own, so they will partner with a bail bonding agency in order to get out of jail.

A bail bonding agency will supply a defendant with the full amount of funds that are needed to get the defendant out of jail. In exchange for the bail amount, the agency will charge a fee of about ten percent of the total cost of bail.

If you have been arrested on Solano County, chances are good that you will be taken to jail and held until your trial. However, in some cases, individuals will be able to get out of jail on bail while they await their trials. This is important as it allows the defendant to seek proper legal council and has a better chance of building a proper defense. What is a private attorney important? Video: Overworked Public Defenders

When an individual is given the opportunity to get out of jail on bail, the courts are, essentially, saying that they expect the individual to return to court in order to fulfill his or her legal obligation. In exchange for this promise, the courts will hold onto an amount of money, which is the bail. Once the defendant fulfills his or her full legal obligation, he or she will receive a refund of this bail amount.

County Courthouse Info
Fairfield: (707) 207-7380
Vallejo: (707) 561-7880
Hall of Justice
600 Union Avenue
Fairfield, CA 95433

Solano County Sentenced Detention Facility
2500 Claybank Road
Fairfield, CA 94533-1655
(707) 421-7180
Vine automatic telephonic jail information for Solano: (877) 331-8463

County Jail Info
Solano County Justice Center Detention Facility
500 Union Avenue
Fairfield, CA 94533-6300
Booking Facility: (707) 421-7110

Solano County Sentenced Detention Facility
2500 Claybank Road
Fairfield, CA 94533-1655
(707) 421-7180
Vine automatic telephonic jail information for Solano:
(877) 331-8463

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Local Solano County Resources:

Solano County Wiki Page

Solano County Home Page

Solano County Sheriff Dept.

Solano County Courts